
Rick's Remedies: Don't Gamble with Summer Fun!

When it comes to opening your pool, it is better to start early than gamble with losing any summer fun because of opening issues!


It snowed two days ago...not a lot, but enough to be annoying.  Even so, I say without a moment of hesitation that people should start opening their pools soon if they haven't started yet!

Now, I know what some of you are thinking...YOU'RE CRAZY! It's still cold out!  

You're right and that is EXACTLY the point!

We're still ahead of the curve!  It's cold out meaning all the plants (including algae) haven't been warm enough to kick into high gear.  Typically, 55 degrees and below, algae doesn't do a whole lot in your pool water.  This is a HUGE advantage that should not be wasted.  If we start our chemical programs now, when the water is COLD & CLEAR, we can get ahead of anything that might want to start growing in the pool. 

Remember the adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure?" That absolutely applies here!  If we start our chemical programs now and maintain our pools rather than letting them turn into swamps, we'll save a boatload of time, money, and effort, compared to the time, money, and effort we will lose (by the boatload, nonetheless), if we wait and open to a swampy mess of a pool.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking, "I'll save money and put off opening until right when i want to swim."  That's a real gamble.  There is no telling what your water will look like at this point.  Not to mention, the amount of effort and cost associated with fixing problems that could have been prevented.  

This years successful opening started with last years winterization!

The next steps need to happen soon to ensure your backyard stays an OASIS and not a HEADACHE.


APi has some top-notch programs for pools and spas as well as ways to troubleshoot if the water got away from you. 


If you are looking for ways to simplify your summer, give us a call!


Tags: February 2023, March, Spring Openings
