
Rick’s Remedies Stabilizer-“The Protector”

Thus far in this season of Ricks’ Remedies, we have covered pH-The Ruler, Alkalinity-The Soother, and Calcium-The Guardian. In this installment we will introduce, Stabilizer-The Protector. Ready? Let’s go!

Stabilizer (also known as conditioner) is the last necessary component of our pool balance team. Think of it as sunscreen for your chlorine. Stabilizer protects chlorine from sunlight. Without it chlorine dissipates very quickly into the atmosphere.

Both trichlor and dichlor may contain stabilizer as high as 40% by weight. And although stabilizer is necessary, it can also be a deterrent to chlorine’s overall effectiveness causing what is commonly known as a “chlorine lock”. Should you need to reduce the amount of stabilizer in your pool, you would do that by adding more water. With that in mind, it is best to keep stabilizer above 30ppm (parts per million) but no greater that 55ppm. With your pH (The Ruler) at 7.2-7.6, alkalinity (The Soother) at 80-120ppm, calcium (The Guardian) at 250-400ppm and your Stabilizer (The Protector) at 30-55ppm, your pool is in good shape! Stay tuned for our next episode of Rick’s Remedies when we introduce you to Chlorine- “The Cleanser”. Until then, stay safe and enjoy your pool!

Rick’s Rule of thumb: 10oz of stabilizer raises 10,000 gallons of water 10ppm.
