
Live Like Jake & APi Team Up Again for Drowning Prevention

On May 12, the 4th Annual Live Like Jake 5k will kick off from Abacoa's Town Center. For the second year in a row, APi has partnered with Live Like Jake to support their efforts for drowning prevention. This event offers both a walk and a run, as well as a fun run for kids and lots of family friendly activities throughout the day.  Live Like Jake was founded by Keri & Roarke Morrison after the passing of their son Jake in November of 2013. Over the last 4 years, LLJ has worked to raise both money and awareness on drowning prevention. Live Like Jake encourages children to learn Infant Swim Resource (ISR) Self-Rescue and has provided scholarships assisting hundreds of children to take lessons in ISR.  If you are interested in participating in the 4th Annual Live Like Jake 5k, click here. Don't forget to stop by and say HI to our APi Team during the event!
