
5 Things to be Aware of When Winterizing a Swimming Pool

  1. Putting chlorinated shock in too soon after algaecide or stain & scale products lowers the effectiveness of all three products.
  2. Algae is less active in colder water, more active in warmer water. It is always better to close your pool later in the season rather than earlier. The earlier you close a pool the more likely the pool may open up with algae issues.
  3. Be mindful of Autumn warm weather. The longer an autumn heat wave goes, the more your pool will heat up and the more issues you will have during a spring opening.
  4. Open early, not late. A good rule of thumb is that if you can plant your garden your pool should be open. Besides, a clear beautiful pool is more aesthetically pleasing than a big ugly tarp. You paid for the pool, enjoy it longer.
  5. Non-Chlorine Shock is included in newer style Winterizing kits, it is not effective against algae but it is effective against bacteria. If your pool has algae in it, take care of it before you close, this will make your opening easier.
  6. There are new 'long life' algaecides available. These algaecides work better and longer for closing your pool, and they do not foam!
  7. There are multi-use products available now that have everything a traditional closing kit has but blended to last longer and work better also providing for an easier closing and opening, ask your local dealer about chemical alternatives to traditional closing kits rather than enduring the traditional opening issues again next year.
