
30 Days of Giving


This time of year is filled with opportunities to sit back, count our blessings, and hopefully pay those blessings forward. At APi we are taking the 30 days of November to focus on some of the opportunities that we’ve been given to help our communities, whether they are local, national, or international. We’re looking at how our employees and our company give back with hope that it will inspire you to help your community, in whatever way you can.


Life can be hectic. There are days where I just can’t imagine adding one more thing to my to do list. I’ve found that making time to give back to others helps me appreciate my own blessings that much more. I read once that if you are in a state of gratitude, you can’t be anything else at the same time. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know that the more I focus on being grateful for the people and things I have in my life, the more I want to pay those blessings forward and help others. The more that I help others, the more grateful I feel and the less overwhelmed I feel by my life.


We’ve compiled a list of ways that our company as a whole and our team of individuals give back to our communities. We’ll be sharing tips on our Facebook page each day of November, with ways we give back to our community including random acts of kindness, volunteer opportunities, and charities that are near and dear to us.


One such organization is Aquatics Empowered, an association to help rural towns and their citizens gain access to aquatics facilities for water therapy. Their first worldwide fundraising event, Hot Tubbing for Hope, is being held November 15th and 16th at a pool or spa near you. They are asking everyone to spend time in a hot tub or pool, share pictures of family, friends, and pets participating, and donate to their organization. Donations received will go towards helping individuals with disabilities, seniors, veterans, children, and other charities in need of aquatic therapy resources. Pro Tip: Our EZ SPA® line of products can help make your hot tub picture-perfect in time for the Hot Tubbing for Hope fundraising event.


We hope that you will join the APi family and participate with your own 30 Days of Giving, but even 1 small act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s life and in your community.


The Season of Giving: ChildFund International

Here at APi Water, we know the importance of giving back to those who are less fortunate. Throughout the year, we work with several different charity organizations, but all year long we work to support the amazing work that ChildFund International  does for those in need. ChildFund International works to help deprived, excluded and vulnerable children have the capacity to improve their lives and the opportunity to become young adults, parents, and leaders who bring lasting and positive change in their communities. They also strive to promote societies whose individuals and institutions participate in valuing, protecting and advancing the worth and rights of children and enrich supporters’ lives through their support of our cause.

Photo Courtesy of ChildFund International

Here at APi we have sponsored children at ChildFund International for several years. Each of our staff members has a child whom they sponsor throughout the year. We even get updates, pictures, and letters from our kids. If you are looking for a great charity organization that truly makes a difference, look no further than ChildFund International.


Looking Back: The 2017 PoolCorp Retail Summit

One of our favorite ways to kick off the new year in the PoolCorp Retail Summit. PoolCorp is a wholesale distributor providing pool equipment and other backyard related products to it’s more than 100,000 customers worldwide.  The company boasts over 300 locations and employs nearly 4,000 people. The Annual Retail Summit is a chance for Pool Supply Retailers to check out the latest and greatest products from around the Pool & Spa Industry. APi participates in the show by speaking directly to suppliers about the benefits of offering products like EZ Pool, EZ Spa®, and Revive at their stores and to their customers.

Here are some highlights of the 2017 PoolCorp Retail Summit.


The Power of Revive!®

Revive is one of the most powerful tools in the APi line of products.Revive is a multi-action product that removes phosphates (algae food), metals including copper and iron, scaling carbonates, organic debris and other contaminants that cause cloudy water. It is formulated for use on new pool startups, replaster / remodel / refills, spring openings, abandoned pools, severe algae cleanups and ongoing maintenance of all swimming pools. Revive is compatible with all types of pool chemicals, finishes, and sanitizers and it doesn’t cloud the water in your pool or stain the pool during treatment! Get rid of that pile of products that you use to treat your cloudy pools and replace it with just one, Revive!®

Here are some amazing before and after photos that illustrate the true power of Revive!®


During Treatment: 



During Treatment: 


Before & After: 







To find an APi distributor near you, Click Here. 


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  • "Just wanted to thank you for a great product. After four weeks of trying several different products and also adding way to much chlorine, we can finally see the bottom of our pool. Added Revive!® at 6PM last night, by the time we went to bed, we could notice a difference and when I got up this morning everything had settled to the bottom. Used the vacuum for about an hour this morning and were swimming this afternoon. Will probably have to vacuum once more, but so glad this product was recommended to us."
    - Donna, Ohio
  • "Easy, simple, worry free…these all describe how my pool maintenance has been since I started using EZ POOL! I have a big pool and it is not a big job with E-Z POOL®, just once a week. Once the pool is open and clear in the spring, I just have Caryl’s experts test my pool sample once a week to make sure the balancing chemicals and pH are good. Algaecides are not needed. Brush, brush, brush, as Caryl recommends and my pool is beautiful all summer! Also, it is gentle to the skin and does not effect your hair color. I highly recommend E-Z POOL®!"
    - Trish, Greensboro, NC
  • “I have used the EZ Spa® now for four years. It is the best spa treatment I have ever used. It makes the water feel really soft and refreshing. I use it once a week and forget it. My spa stays crystal clear. I love this stuff. Not to mention when you use EZ Spa® you don’t have to buy so many other chemicals. I also noticed that EZ Spa® is extremely gentle on the skin. I can’t say enough about how good this stuff is. Try it, you’ll love it!”
    - Terri G., NJ

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